Fact sheet or brief

Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools: Brief Tips and Policy Recommendations

Authors : Patti Schank

This brief provides tips and policy recommendations for implementing trauma-sensitive schools, including a discussion of the role of school psychologists in supporting trauma-sensitive schools, and opportunities to advance trauma-sensitive schools in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). View Resource Organization: National Association of School Psychologists

Family Engagement and Involvement in Trauma Mental Health

Authors : Patti Schank

This brief provides information on the importance of family engagement in trauma mental health, potential barriers to engagement, and specific strategies for engagement.

Coping With the COVID-19 Crisis: The Importance of Care for Caregivers Tips for Administrators and Crisis Teams

Authors : Patti Schank

This handout includes strategies for school administrators and crisis teams to support school staff who may be experiencing stress and grief in the context of COVID-19. View Resource Organization: National Association of School Psychologists